2nd FCI World championchip of rescue dogs 2024

2nd FCI World championchip of rescue dogs 2024


2nd FCI World championship of rescue dogs - individuals

Slovakia on WCH

Slovak rescue doghandlers have participated many times in top events such as the world championships of rescue dogs. And not only did they participate, but they also successfully represented Slovak cynology and took very nice positions. The greatest success was achieved by Dáša Baňárová, when she stood on the first rung of the winner's ladder in the category of general search. Twice, in Turin, Italy with Chester in year 2016 and in 2022 in Provaglio d Isero, Italy with Kajo. In year 2019, 3rd place in Paris, also with Kajo. In addition to Dáša, several dog handlers from Slovakia participated in the WC of rescue dogs, either in the area search or rubble search category. And they all placed in very nice places.

FCI WCH 2024

In June 2024 for the first time of search and rescue cynology existence Slovakia will host doghandlers and their dogs from all over the world during the World Championship of individual rescue dogs, organized under the international organization FCI. 

The FCI World Championships for individual rescue dogs will take place from 12th to 16th of June 2024 in two Slovak cities - Banská Bystrica and Martin.

The competition will be held in three categories:

  • Area search (IPO-R RH-FL)
  • Rubble search (IPO-R RH-T)
  • Tracking (IPO-R RH-F)

Category F (tracking) will take place in Banská Bystrica, in Martin it will be FL (area), T (rubble) and obedience.

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