2nd FCI World championchip of rescue dogs 2024

2nd FCI World championchip of rescue dogs 2024


Festive evening

All the participants of WCH 2024 are warmly welcome to the festive evening on Saturday 15th of June.

The event will take place in Snowland Valča.

The place and time will be announced later on.

  • The price per person is 45 euro
  • Deadline for registration is 15th of May 2024
  • Please use the registration form:  

Please transfer the registration fee of festive evening to the bank account:

please write to the recipient message: festive evening

  • Bank: Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s.
  • Address of Bank: Tomášikova 48, 832 37 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
  • IBAN: SK27 0900 0000 0052 1087 5019
  • account name: Dog Rescue Slovakia
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